About Us

Royal Pearl Hospital - Dr.T.N.Janakiram
Managing Director of Royal pearl Hospital, Trichy,Tamil Nadu in India. Dr.Janakiram is internationally recognised for his work in skull base surgery and is a pioneer in endoscopic management of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma. He has been a sought after faculty in both international and national conferences for his work in management of skull base lesions. Author of several publications in both international and national journals.Author of several chapters in various textbooks written on skull base.
Dr.Janakiram leads the training and research division Karl Storz Asia pacific region,demonstrating ventral skull base surgical procedures (for pituitary tumours, craniopharyngiomas, chordomas, tumours of the petrous apex & clivus). We at Royal Pearl Hospital use a 360-degree integrative and multidisciplinary team approach to patients' courage to triumph over the most devastating conditions that inspires us to continue to unearth solutions for the most critical skull base lesions.
As a part of endeavors for continuous innovations and upgradations, we are now proud to announce the commencement of "Lateral skull base surgery" program. This program will accommodate surgeries for diseases like acoustic neuroma, glomus jugulare, jugular foramen lesions, carotid body tumours and tumours of petrous apex.
We are now on the verge of releasing a book, a first of its kind, on juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma. This was achievable because of our patients, catered from all parts of Indiia and abroad.